Friday, August 28, 2020

Clinical Social Work Essay Example For Students

Clinical Social Work Essay Picking a profession is a significant angle to people groups lives. One heads off to college, for the most part around the age of eighteen, and when they leave they are required to have settled on the profession that they will have for the remainder of their lives. Being a brain research and relational correspondence major, I have consistently had an enthusiasm on connections between people given certain improvements introduced to them. I need to be able to contact people groups lives by helping them get themselves and why they act the manner by which they carry on. Connections are such a significant angle to the procedure of human development, and they sway all of us. Because of this evaluation of myself, I have chosen to go to Western Michigan University to seek after my objectives of being a Clinical Social Work Essayer. Turning into a social specialist is subject to various components, one of which being instruction. A lone rangers degree in social work (BSW) degree is the most widely recognized least prerequisite to fit the bill for a vocation as a social specialist, be that as it may, studies brain research, human science, and related fields might be adequate to fit the bill for some passage level employment (Chao Orr, 162). Numerous individuals while seeking after the objectives of being a social specialist, in any case, are generally intrigued by employments in open organizations and additionally having their own practices. A bosses degree in social work (MSW) is essential for positions in wellbeing and psychological wellness settings and commonly is required for confirmation for clinical work (Chao Orr, 162). Ones degree of school isn't the main thing bosses are concentrating on when hoping to enlist social specialists. Alongside ones instruction, a social specialist must have an expansive aesthetic sciences base which incorporates an information on the sociologies (human science, brain science, human studies, history, political theory, and financial matters) to give clarifications about the idea of human culture and the human condition (Johnson, 48). There are a lot more abilities that are similarly as fundamental, if not progressively helpful, to the business just as customer. Social specialists must be very objective situated with high administration capacities. Being an innovator in a multidisciplinary treatment industry requires clinical social laborers to utilize organizing aptitudes with the goal that each clinical social specialist is all around associated in the network (Roberts and Greene, 7). Bosses need individuals who can confront the requests of the general population and to have the option to make themselves known in the network, and these authority characteristics empowers them to pick up the trust of the general public around them. One should likewise have the option to adjust to their open. Social laborers have a thorough information on network assets and can tap them to address the issues of their customers (Skidmore, Thackeray Farley, 8). Turning into a social specialist doesn't imply that you work with only one kind of individual with only one sort of handicap. A few networks need more professionals with ability in working with little kids or with customers determined to have both mental issue and formative incapacities. Clinical social specialists should focus on those zones and create compelling practices and straightforwardly showcase themselves in specialists in these territories (Roberts and Greene, 7). It is imperative to have the option to use the network assets to help tackle issues. As per Holly Hill Childrens Services in Cincinnati, Ohio, (2002) one must be adaptable and equipped for defining firm cutoff points and limits. ..must have the option to work in an administration limit while filling in as a component of a group. Being group situated is additionally an extremely pivotal perspective into being a successful social specialist. It is essential to have the option to approach collaborators for direction, on the grounds that as prior noted, individuals are distinctive so a few issues that customers face might be progressively unclear to you, yet fundamentally not to everybody in your field. An association in San Diego, California (2002) states that to get employed into their program one must have the option to work agreeably with multidisciplinary group. .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .postImageUrl , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:hover , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:visited , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:active { border:0!important; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:active , .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5b a2059858b9b4 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0f18f88153b2e1f1de5ba2059858b9b4:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: DAVE MATTHEWS BAND VIDEO COMPILATION Essay Being group arranged additionally includes numerous different accreditations in being a laborer in this field. Social laborers ought to be genuinely developed, goal, and delicate to individuals and their issues. They should have the option to deal with duty, work freely, and keep up great working .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Do Children Learn Better in Boys-only and Girls-only School Research Paper

Improve in Boys-just and Girls-just School - Research Paper Example As indicated by the article findingsâ various contentions have been leveled for and against the explanations behind isolating young men and young ladies from learning together and the reason for the contentions depend on feelings as opposed to realities. It is essential to offer the thoughts for the individuals who explanation behind isolating young men and young ladies in various learning environments.â One explanation, for empowering detachment of the young ladies and young men during the learning procedure, depends on the contention of negative ethical quality. Supporters of this idea contend that through detachment we can raise an age of upstanding and good individuals.â It is discussed that the vast majority of the cultural shades of malice like sex starts at beginning period of growth.â By isolating young men from young ladies by taking them to various schools, may to a more prominent expand bring down the cases and energize an ethically upstanding society.As the convers ation highlightsâ the advocates for the partition of young men and young ladies guarantee that at school condition the understudies are generally alone, and these circumstances give a chance to creating ethics especially when young men are blended in with young ladies. Instruction ought to acquaint understudies with various societies and manners of thinking that they couldn't be presented to something else. Accomplishing the objectives of instruction as indicated by the promoters is effectively to create structures that exclusively help the understudies of different sexual orientations yet abstain from blending the understudies during the learning procedure.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Background To Articulation In The Performance Practice Of Bach' Era Essay

Foundation To Articulation In The Performance Practice Of Bach' Era - Essay Example D. The 'cantabile' style; Bach's allurement, nearly steadiness, on showing up at a 'cantabile' way of playing of the gathered works both striking and basic for demonstrating how Bach himself wanted these pieces to be acknowledged auditorily. In radiance of the genuine troubles confronting musicologists utilizing expressive assessment of antiquated music (rather than effective basic examination), it bodes well to re-guarantee the expression style to give to the way in which works are acknowledged by the performer in execution and to combine it with a tasteful thought for what might be named elaborately educated execution practice. All things considered talking, beside JS Bach's console pieces in the French style, his goals for the sound-related acknowledgment of his mid-period takes a shot at stringed keyboard instruments were probably going to be in the cleaned, cosmopolitan (Italian) cantabile style of the time, a style which is well unsurprising and educated by the music aesthetici an J.J. Quantz in his treatise on playing the flute. E. Talk and the connection among writer and entertainer; talk was a basic material of training and humanist and viewed as the main method for showing articulations and syntactic both. There were periods in the occasions passed by of music in which the explanatory norm, as communicated by Bach, had an exhaustive implication as far as music and all the more critically for instrumental music; a reality notable to musicologists nowadays by method for the hypothetical essential sources accessible. Then again, advanced experts, especially instrumentalists, are not completely mindful of the expansive gravity of the expository guideline and its accommodation to a significant piece of the collection. The connection among discourse and music, just as talk and music definitely delineates that both come to fruition after some time and are gotten by the ear. This suggests a further shared characteristic among discourse and music: both comprise of persistent changes of their components (pitch and expression, individually), which are linguistically sorted out. In different articulations, both are frameworks base on images that even offer regular optional semantic substance: redundancy, highlight, caesura, enunciation, go, differentiate, augmentation, elements, beat, and not in conclusion the reliance on introduction. F. Figurae; Pritz characterized two sorts of figurae that can be utilized by the vocalists or possibly they ought to know about that; he characterizes two kinds of Figurae; one is Simple and other one is compound. Marpurg characterizes the significance of figurae in such a way, that they ought to be the piece of a talk music. G. Of schedule, the isolating line between the two camps is fairly muddled, since numerous serious artists put a ton of thought into how they play, and regularly investigate the sequential foundation and practices of the works they perform. What's more, researchers ask about more than insignificant hypothetical rightness in exhibitions. H. This line has gotten overwhelmingly muddled with the development of the Early Music development, which Modern entertainers eye with underground enthusiasm, qualm, and even a little

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Number One Article on Writing a Research Paper

The Number One Article on Writing a Research Paper All you need to perform is to compose the original paper from outline which you've finished. When you select the topic, there are a couple of steps which you can follow to compose a research paper. There is an assortment of approaches it is possible to think of when it has to do with conducting a research and documenting it. To compose decent research papers, one ought to adhere to the measures mentioned. The period paper is normally categorized in two unique categories like the analytical term papers and argumentative term papers. You have to have an information card to compose the research paper. You should select an honest service of assignment writing to finish your thesis paper. It is simple for them to understand how to compose papers should they learn the critical elements of a technical paper along with suggestions to compose the papers. An informative paper simply provides the simple details about the matter. You could also want to do a little own studying to incorporate few unique sources in the paper. Note, too, that if you decide on a new subject, you truly will need to start early and keep disciplined, and that means you can find out enough to present a superior paper. It is essential to select a topic that you're interested in and most passionate about. As part of the last procedure, many students decide to employ the assistance of a proofreader or copy-editor to create their essays, dissertations and research papers free from errors. Maybe, an additional essay may be useful. Maybe, it may be useful. The Fundamentals of Writing a Research Paper You Can Learn From Starting Immediately Little study on the problem is truly likely to offer you the capability to write an outstanding essay. State the particular issue which you would want to concentrate your research on. The investigation should have simple and conclusive language to produce sure people don't strain whilst reading. Your research pursuit does not need to have to be hard if you understand what you're doing. Thus, if you're taking a writing course, a literature program, a language program, or an art program, your instructor might ask you to use the MLA style. Overcome the difficulties while writing considerable research paper many of the students simply wish for suggestion on the best way to find the assignments finished fast. Every paragraph carries the principal point that's simple to decipher just by reading. Yes, now you should feel uncomfortable and perhaps a tiny sleazy, as you know you wish to keep reading. Proofreading your paper should be performed unhurriedly and meticulously. You can begin by just randomly writing words or phrases of ideas that you mean to expound on and after that arrange them logically. The Ultimate Writing a Research Paper Trick Thus, the writing of a paper is dependent on the assigning authority's instructions along with the form of assignment that's covered within the paper. The paper comprises a keywords section that highlights the important wor d in the analysis. The next step in how to compose a research paper demands a tiny bit of organization as soon as the time arrives to really write it down. The research paper ought to be interesting to read from the start to the end. By contrast, a persuasive paper might incorporate all the info listed above, but the paper would likewise recommend a specific candidate. You ought to avoid plagiarizing the work in a sample paper and attempt to produce your own ideas once you thoroughly read the sample. To begin with, your composition should receive an intro. On the opposite hand, there may be a plight at which you'll be made to compose a sample papers. Persuasive writing may be an excellent system to receive youngsters interested on paper. Writing a paper beforehand also enables the opportunity to devote adequate time proofreading and editing. Utilizing the most suitable words will accelerate the research procedure, while the incorrect ones. The exact same results can be shown in a number of different ways, which means you will probably have to carry out many iterations on your story. Whatever the case, the authentic aim of a trial document is for the square purpose of showing. If you don't, even when you did an amazing job on the content of the paper, you will not have the ability to receive a very good grade on it.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Severe Costs of Alcohol Abuse Essay - 912 Words

I have learned from my personal experiences that young teens should avoid consumption of alcoholic drinks. This in turn avoids many problems in the future and gives the person a better quality of life. Alcohol is the most widely abused legal depressant in the United States. The numerous problems associated with alcohol abuse are a major problem in todays society. This major problem kills many innocent people and is a deadly habit to start. One focus I choose to illustrate is the severe costs of abusing alcohol. Researchers from the University of California have compiled various statistics on the costs of abusing alcohol. They say alcohol abuse is known to cause illness,†¦show more content†¦Almost 16,000 Californians were hospitalized for injuries that resulted from alcohol use. Hospitalization costs amounted to $1.3 billion. The mean length of hospitalization in non-federal hospitals was 6.5 days and the mean cost per hospitalization was over $12,000. Public programs paid for 64% of hospitalization costs, including 38% paid by Medicare, and 19% paid by MediCal. Costs of other medical services, including outpatient care, nursing homes, pharmaceuticals, and other health professionals, totaled $1.11 billion. Health insurance administration costs in California attributed to alcohol abuse amounted to $122 million for 2001. They also found out that More than 13,000 Californians died as a result of alcohol abuse, including 3,600 who died of primary alcohol-caused diagnoses, over 5,100 who died of an alcohol ?related diagnosis, and 4,400 who died of an injury attributed to alcohol. These deaths represented lost productivity of nearly $8 billion and over 358,000 life years. (Wendy Max Ph.D) I view this as a severe problem needing dramatic solutions to solve it. This study also found that criminal justice system costs attributed to alcohol were as high as $6.7 billion including $2.1 billion for police protection, $2.1 billion for judicial and legal ser vices, and $2.4 billion for corrections. Also,Show MoreRelatedAlcohol Abuse Should Not Be Confused With Alcoholism Or Alcohol Dependence950 Words   |  4 PagesAlcohol abuse should not be confused with alcoholism or alcohol dependence. It is important to note the difference between the three. It is predicted that alcohol abuse affects individual physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Although some psychological, physical and economical effects may occur with both, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence (alcoholism) for the purpose of this paper the alcohol abuse is the main focus. Introduction Alcohol abuse is a serious disease that impacts individualRead MoreBody. Alcohol Is Surprisingly The Largest Consumed Drug1608 Words   |  7 PagesBody Alcohol is surprisingly the largest consumed drug when it comes to the United States, and with that comes a higher addiction rate than those drugs deemed illegal such as heroin or even marijuana still (Thio, Taylor, Schwartz, 2013). Due to this epidemic that is rarely discussed in the same categorization of illegal substances, there is a bit of a justification seen that alcohol use is not as severe. Yet data shows that is not the case, because alcohol abuse leads in terms of arrestsRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol On The Alcoholic Beverage1335 Words   |  6 Pagestelevision, and is promoted by many celebrities. People consume alcohol to celebrate an occasion, socialize with their friends or strangers, or to just simply relax. Alcohol, whether it be in the form of wine, beer, or spirits, have almost become inescapable in todays society. We often wonder the effect that is has on different individuals, and wonder why some become so heavily addicted to it while others do not. B ecause the prevalence of alcohol has continued to flourish in our society, the number of peopleRead MoreThe Relationship Between Bipolar Disorder And Alcohol Abuse With Emotional Instability1595 Words   |  7 Pagesa history of alcohol abuse with emotional instability. The patient’s family reports they have noticed many changes in their loved ones life and presence. They report moods where he or she was overly joyous and then shifted to severe anger. As a nurse you wonder is there something else causing the patient’s emotional shifts. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder that is characterized by sudden intense shifts in mood, behavior and energy levels (Dual Diagnosis, 2015). Alcohol use disorder isRead Moredrug addiction802 Words   |  4 Pageseveryone is different. Drug affect different ways. One person can take and abuse drugs, yet never become addicted, while another merely has one experience and is immediately hooked. Addiction explain and is characte rerized by a person having to used the drugs repeatedly, regardless of the damage it does to their health, family career, and their rrelationshipwith friends and the community. Addiction is not limited to drugs a nd alcohol. People can be addicted to many things, such as food, gambling, shoppingRead MoreUnderstanding Addiction1317 Words   |  6 PagesThe Doctor’s Opinion, Dr. William Silkworth (1939) wrote the following, â€Å"We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self-confidence, their relianceRead MoreLong-term consequences of Child Abuse on the Society1559 Words   |  7 Pagesof Child Abuse Child abuse is the physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of a child by his or her parent or guardian. Many do not realize how many children are abused in their homes every day. According to a publication titled Child Maltreatment 2008, children are more likely to be the victim of child abuse and neglect than they are to be the victim of anything else (Speak-Up-Be-Safe). In fact, more than one million children in the United States alone are a victim of child abuse (WisdomRead MoreAddiction And Substance Abuse Is A Serious Problem Among Teenagers806 Words   |  4 PagesAddiction and substance abuse is a serious problem among teenagers. Teenagers begin abusing drugs because of peer pressure, or abuse in their life. Any type of drugs can be abused including over the counter medications. Since teenager’s brain is still growing any type of substance abuse can cause serious harm. The most abused drug is alcohol. Alcohol has a different effect the brain of teenagers different than that of adults. Children raised in a religious family, with religious friends areRead More alcohol Essay1576 Words   |  7 Pagesalcohol Substance abuse and addiction are major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow naturally, where as others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They may be smoked, inhaled, ingested, or injected and used for social, religious, or self-medicating purposes. The substance that are abused include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, steroids, stimulants, depressantsRead MoreSubstance Abuse. What Is Substance Abuse . Substance Abuse1300 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance abuse What is substance abuse Substance abuse is the use of drugs, alcohol, or chemicals. The substance abuse results in physical, psychological, emotional harm to the user or others. People abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol for varied and complicated reasons, but it is clear that it comes at a significant cost. 0Substance abuse can be recognized through it s signs and behavior changes, as well as short and long term effects. There are various ways however to treat substance

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Types Of Cosmetic Surgery And How They Are Affected By...

The Types of Cosmetic Surgery and How They Are Affected by Body Image Studies have shown that, 14.6 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in 2012. â€Å"As cosmetic economic indicators such as auto, retail, and home sales saw gains in 2012 – so too did plastic surgery† ( This statistic has proved that across the United States people are being affected with the opinion and views formed based off of Body Image. Throughout the years, the ideas of body image have changed based off of people’s personal desires on what they should look like or on â€Å"trend†. Women, children, and even men base their body image on what society believes is ideal. In some years, society might believe that a small waist and a thin frame might be the perfect body image. In others, the curvier frame would be the ideal body image. People have gone down the path of cosmetic surgery in order to meet their needs and desires for what they believe are the â€Å"perfect body†. The types of plastic surgery t hat are being performed correlate directly to the ideas of what body image is supposed to look like. The use of plastic surgery date back to 2,000 B.C. where Egyptians and Indians would practice on warriors injured from battle in order to fix their wounded faces. â€Å"In India and Egypt, ancient physicians practiced some of the most rudimentary forms of plastic surgery† (Janelle). With the knowledge obtained from these early surgeries, early doctors began to use their practicesShow MoreRelatedWhy Cosmetic Surgery Improves Mental Health1689 Words   |  7 PagesColvin A main motivator for getting cosmetic surgery is the desire of being more satisfied with one’s own appearance and improving self-esteem. However, research has shown that this is not always the case. There have been variable results showing whether cosmetic surgery will improve psychological variables such as body image, self-esteem, and mental health. Body image specifically has been suggested to be a crucial factor in the desire to undergo cosmetic surgery. This is based off two importantRead MorePlastic Surgery Is All Over The Media1453 Words   |  6 PagesThese days, plastic surgery is all over the media. Top stars and celebrities have touted it as the means of achieving physical perfection. Due to this influence, it has become accepted and indeed prevalent in the society today. Its rapid commonplace has been facilitated by the coming of non-invasive procedures such as Botox. In 2007 alone, the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery reported that approximately 13.3 bi llion dollars were spent on plastic surgery, which was a 17% increase over the previousRead MoreAnalysis Of Heidi Montag s Influence On Cosmetic Surgeries872 Words   |  4 Pagesdissatisfaction and the inability to achieve perfection has caused some individuals to become physiological obsessed with and dependent on cosmetic surgeries. At times obtaining dangerous measurements to achieve the desired perfect physique. Heidi Montag a celebrity who underwent ten cosmetic surgeries in a single day, as a means of achieving the perfect physique, is an example on how cultural ideals pressures individuals to conform to the current beauty norms (Ugrina 2014, p.100). Another example is the BrazilianRead MoreCosmetic Surgery And Its Effects On Society1462 Words   |  6 PagesIn the past few years cosmetic surgeries popularity has increased, with wanting to look a certain way, the way that the media perceives body image for women, usually they use Botox, aesthetic surgery, and a reconstructi ve surgery; to fix facial features and body parts after a horrible accident. However the controversy begins is, how it can be harmful to every ones body and minds. Most people do not realize the damaging side effects with what is being injected into their bodies. Botox is one of theRead MoreTeenagers and the Plastic Surgery Epidemic Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagesnumber of American teenagers choose to alter their body in order to fit the unrealistic standard of physical attractiveness created by our beauty-obsessed culture. Teens feel an immense amount of pressure to look â€Å"beautiful† from the media, peers and even parents. Teenagers are going to extreme lengths to reach this physical perfection, but when it comes down to it, just how far is too far? The numbers of teens going through with plastic surgery is startling and will continue to rise as America fallsRead MoreEssay Cosmetic Surgery - No Longer Only For the Rich and Famous1393 Words   |  6 PagesCosmetic surgery companies offer many options in which to finance cosmetic procedures for individual of all income levels. There were over 10 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2008, as reported by the American Society for Aes thetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). (Surgery, 2009) The statistic mentioned, clearly shows how many of us now would be willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. But, have you asked why? In today’s society, plastic surgery is theRead MorePlastic Surgery: Why Is so Popular? Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesPlastic surgery is medical process through which people can make their physical aspect look better. There are two major kinds of plastic surgeries: cosmetic and reconstructive. People are and have always concern about their body image and the perspective that other could have about it. Therefore, people are always looking for the solution, which most of the time end up being the plastic surgery. Where these procedures originated? Moreover, how do we get to the actual point of plastic surgery? ClearlyRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : An Accidental Of Popularity1422 Words   |  6 Pagesthe appearance of one’s body has been one of the most concerning features a person may have in l ife. Mainly because being attractive can help with almost anything. People look more highly at you and even respect you more than a person who isn’t attractive. One of the main emphases on a person’s attractiveness is their face. â€Å"Facial attractiveness provides honest cues to health and mate value† (Barber, 1994). This is a major reason as to why many are turning to cosmetic surgery for assistance with theirRead MoreThe Pitfalls of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1569 Words   |  7 PagesCosmetic surgery has become increasingly more popular. However, many are unsatisfied with their results. Debra Dunn decided to have cosmetic surgery to fix a bump she had on her nose as a result of a childhood injury. After having two nose jobs and spending thousands of dollars, she was so dissatisfied with her results that she was embarrassed when she left the house and avoided mirrors. When she ventured out in public, she hid behind her hair. Although doctors tried convincing her that her noseRead MoreShould We Undergo Plastic Surgery?1489 Words   |  6 Pageseven taken more drastic measures by turning to plastic surgery to alter their appearance. However, unlike makeup, plastic surgery is definitely something that can be taken too far since it is permanent. Women should not have to feel the need to undergo plastic surgery at all: unless it is for reconstructive purposes. Sadly, last year alone, facial plastic surgeons recorded 64% of their patients under the age of 30 had undergone cosmetic surgery or injectable treatments (Matthews, 2016, para. 8). Some

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Introduction to Computing Re engineering

Question: Describe why Actor Network Theory is a relevant theory for studying computing. Name and categorise the actants in your stories. Describe how they are acting upon other actants in the assemblage. Include the connection between the hardware and software actants, as well as other categories of actants. Discuss how the actions of the software actants can enhance management functions within the computing news stories. How can you link your analysis to some of the larger issues/questions raised due to the constant use of computing within modern society. Discuss some of advantages/disadvantages of contemporary computing. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module. Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement Within modern computing, every actant acts on or is acted upon by at least one other actant, in order to fulfil the aims of the assemblage. Answer: Introduction The computing technologies have drastically evolved with passing time to innovate new ideas and new methods that utilize the power of scientific data and processing techniques. The rapid advancement of information technology brings about new concepts and elements onto the field that collectively participate in forming an assemblage of computing. These technologies consist of several aspects of science and communication study. It is important to perform an effective evaluation of the system assemblage essentially involves identifying the human and non-human actors that interact with each other by playing individual roles; and ultimately form a network of information systems (Willcocks 2013). For this purpose, the paper analyzes two modern computing stories based on actor network theory to unveil the major aspects of fulfilling the technical objectives of the assemblage by establishing proper interactions among the actants. Actor Network Theory Actor network theory or ANT provides a conceptual framework that guides the socio-technical processes involved in different technological systems. The main components of actor network theory are actor and network. The core of ANT describes interrelationships among the various actors in scientific networks. It is closely relevant to the present study of identifying the participation of actors in modern computing assemblage (Sayes 2014). It is mainly because ANT helps understand the technical innovation processes and scientific knowledge creation. The actors (both human and non-human) act on the network, more specifically, between sociology and technology sciences. Computing story 1: Xiaomi's $45 billion formula for success Xiaomis Mi Pad specifications (pink / green/ blue/ white) entirely resembles with iPad Mini 4s specifications, including display of 7.9 inches, resolution of 2,048 x 1,536, and per inches 326 pixels (Wired UK 2016). In this regard, the CEO and co-founder of Xiaomi, Mr. Lei Jun, have stated that the design of Mi Pad has been greatly influenced by Apples iPhone (Farias and Bender 2012). For this purpose, Xiaomi approached Apple manufacturers and as a result, Mi Pad happened from the inspiration. However, the real story lies in the pricing strategy adopted by Xiaomi that made them worlds most valuable technology start up business (Qiu 2013). It enabled them to not only run successful smart phone business, but also initiated a potential fan base out of its existing as well as new customers. These fans participate in co-designing, facilitating transfer of market demand risk. The strategy enabled Xiaomi to enter into Indian, Indonesian markets and many more. It soon became Chinas biggest smart phone company, selling 7.2 million phones in 2012, 18.7 million in 2013, 61 million in 2014, and finally over 70 million in 2015 (Shih, Lin and Luarn 2014). From the ANT viewpoint, the actants directly involved in the scientific and socio-technical network work together to establish an assemblage that develops a connected life style with a new era of technological innovation. The actor network theory considers the customers as significant human actants in the network of smart phone business. The product it develops and sells can solely determine the fate of the business (Lajoie and Derry 2013). It essentially necessitates the adoption of internet thinking. According to Barra, China has tremendous potential and capability to reach the leading position in consumer electronics in both innovation as well as execution. The socio-technical aspects on the concerned network involve focus, entrepreneurship and scale. ANT analysis reveals Xiaomis mission and the evolution applied on strategies for making Chinese products. In relation to this context, the story seeks to identify the relationships between Xiaomis customer existence and the influence of social elements in the technical objectives of the business (Rainer et al. 2013). Furthermore, it has been identified that the network significantly relies upon and functions depending on the valuable feedbacks from customers, friends, and users; that are considered as the non-human actants indirectly acting upon the assemblage. Computing story 2: The app AutoGo is fixing China's mess of petrol stations The innovative idea of Guang Xiao facilitates a significant boost to the petrol station business in China by means of using an app called AutoGo that transforms the independent petrol stations into a single integrated business brand (Farias and Bender 2012). The AutoGo app is targeted to establish a networking system bringing together all the petrol and fuel stations that presently operate in the market, including Sinopec and PetroChina (Wired UK 2016). This particular app of AutoGos have been able to capture a million users within five months after it launched in 2015 April. Therefore, through this app, an integrated network can be enabled where the petrol stations signs up for free to learn about methods and strategies to enhance their level of service. Apart from that, the app also facilitates the customers by providing them a platform to make online payments for fuel purchase (Fenwick and Edwards 2012). In addition, many other benefits and services can be presented brought to consumers the single platform facilitated by the AutoGo. Some of these features and facilities include easily and efficiently targeting the loyalty discounts, presenting retail offerings through the app online. This particular process brings about significant changes in the mindset of society. It requires analyzing the social-technical aspects from the ANT point of view in order to develop the loyalty programs for doing the marketing at scale (Wired UK 2016). The primary goal or strategy formulated by AutoGo essentially involves building loyalty with the consumers and expanding the retail offering. The independent petrol and fuel station owners in China can now implement easy payment mechanism, loyalty payments, retailing and other relevant services (Davenport 2013). In this context, Xiao shared that he has significant inspiration from the US Company Fleetcor that provides fleet management services. It includes features such as signing up facilities for the gas station owners, loyalty discount offers to fleets and many more. In relation to this context, Xiao utilized the fragmented nature of the petrol station business to apply the asset-light model to integrate the common services in a sin gle brand. The application of ANT in this regard facilitates a contrast as well as interrelationship among the human and non-human actants based on the scientific advancements (Golub and Ortega 2014). Hence, the petrol station owners as well as the customers who pay for fuel online are the human actors who are acted upon by the non-human or technical actants i.e. the AutoGo app. Enhancement of management in the stories The co-founder and CEO took and utilized the positive aspects of Apples manufacturers. However, the he believed to view Xiaomi that brings about innovation and evolution in technological strategies as well as technical objectives rather than establishing itself as a facilitator of quality services (Hooper 2012). The high quality of the companys products e.g. Mi Pad solely and purposefully intends to develop a connected life style in the era of information technology advancements. The effective management of Xiaomi enabled them to become the third largest electronic commerce website ( all across China. Issues raised in the stories The fundamental strategy that it incorporated relies on the saying less is more. It is relatable with Xiaomis business method of developing a limited number of smart phone products that on the other hand, includes more number of services, facilities features and characteristics. A specific mission also adequately drives the consumers of Mi Pad (Tran et al. 2013). Maofang Road in north Beijing Haidian district there is a Xiaomi showroom that consists of Mi pads, Mi phones, Mi television smart display screens and Mi cloud remote storage. The administrative functions of Xiaomi are targeted to achieve constant improvement. On the other hand, the difference in the scenario for China significantly involves the sudden impact of mobile. The increasing use of mobile phones and smart phones essentially helps the process of making AutoGos app for petrol and fuel stations a huge success (Wired UK 2016). The comparison of actors and network in the story naturally clears the picture of the accurate relationships in its power to influence the society and its interaction with the technical aspects within the identified network (Feng et al. 2013). The human and non-human entities interacting within the network are properly functioning; this is investigated with the help of actor network theory. Conclusion The two stories have been explored from the perspective of actor network theory. A thorough analysis performed on the computing stories using the perspectives of actor network theory helps accurately identifying the actants (human and non-human) and the way the participate in the interactions within the concerned network. It effectively helps realize the importance of an integrated approach that is required to be followed by the associated actors in order to activate the assemblage and enable the operations. The smart innovation and technical developments of modern computing entities have been taken into consideration for evaluating and analyzing the role of actants in an information technology network. The network of technologies identified within the digital world of information and communication technology (ICT) radically transforms societys relationship to technology and the associated human and non-human actors. The study of social science deeply incorporates the identification of technical as well as non-technical components, human associations with the fundamental base. References Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. 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