Monday, February 24, 2020

Extra assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extra assignment 2 - Essay Example While the literature reviewed in assets and skills management shed a lot of light on the different aspects of this subject, the literature on knowledge management brought out the methods of managing the organisational knowledge. The difficulties and issues in managing virtual and extended teams also brought out the importance of culture awareness in managing such teams. This paper will extensively shed light upon how the IT sector has changed lives. Management of resources can be defined as a comprehensive approach to the collection, storage, process, maintenance and electronic information and the exchange of information between different organisations (de Brisis 141-149). There are a plethora of resources that an organisation can exploit for its development, such as competencies or skills, assets, knowledge, and so on. Due to the rapid evolvement of the globalisation, the resources and their management have also become distributed over time and space in different regions across the world that have different cultures and attitudes. Management of Information Technology at the global scale is full of challenges. But there are also benefits that accrue to the organisations from the global resources that are accessible to them. Information resource management is important to the organisation for gaining advantages over the competition and maintaining the successful operations of the organisation. The advantages of good management of resources lie in improved productivity and quality of decision-making, as well as in the enhancement of the task performance and organisational learning curve (Feng 1-24). Resources that are valuable and rare can benefit the company that owns them because of their obvious competitive advantage. But this advantage is temporary and can be made to sustain if the firm is able to protect the resources from being imitated, transferred or substituted. Assets are of prime importance to a company, assets can be of two types

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Proposal for Corporate social responsibility Assignment

Proposal for Corporate social responsibility - Assignment Example Therefore, this study represents an important contribution to the CSR literature in US (Aaronson & Reeves, 2002, p.59). This research examined the relevance of and the theoretical contributions of different management theories, particularly the triple bottom line and the competitive advantage theory that help managers understand the relevance of competing through quality assurance. The Competitive Advantage -This is an advantage in the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of the company and this theory is concerned with the competition between the company and its competitors through offering better values than their competitors (Competitive advantage ,2010, p.102). Strong values come from the culture of the company which later transforms to be the values of the customers and later the values of the society. Values generally come from the customers and the stakeholders which are both important to the success of business. Developing values that are sustainable will depend on the relationship of the organization with the employees, partners, shareholders, suppliers and also media (Enquist & Edvardsson, 2009, p.89). Brands are very important for any company as they communicate to the customers or every stakeholder the image of the company and their products. In order to stall the â€Å"values-based service brand† the company must employ CSR strategies to maintain its business in long run. Virtually, CSR serves the best way to communicate to all the customers and stakeholders in an efficient manner. These strategies touch with values of service brands and enable the company to obtain the good resonances from all stakeholders (Enquist & Edvardsson, 2009, p.234). In the business activities carried out today, many strategies are outlaid in running them. Of late, CSR has developed swiftly. Individuals have started demanding that companies take their social responsibility in their